7 scarce offprints J. E. Duerden, few South Africa imprint

Robinson Street Books: Used and Rare Books
Title 7 scarce offprints J. E. Duerden, few South Africa imprint
Author Duerden, J. E.
Publisher Government Printers, Cape Town 1907 and others
Condition Very Good
Description 7 offprints, including the following titles: West Indian Sponge-Incrusting Actinians (1903) Inscribed by the author, institution stamp front cover, some splitting to spine; The Morphology of the Madreporaria III. The Significance of Building and Fission (1902) top tip of front wrapper torn away, institute stamp front wrappers, titles in pen and date front wrapper; Social Anthropology in South Africa Problems of Race and Nationality (1921) inscribed by author, institute stamp front wrapper, creased; Recent Results on the Morphology and Development of Coral Polyps (1904) institute stamp front wrapper; 15-Variations in the Geometrica-Group of South African Tortoises (1907) Institute stamp front wrapper; Experiments with Ostriches IV. The Rate of Growth of Ostrich Feathers (1907); Experiments with Ostriches (1907). South Africa. Zoology. Antiquarian science. Offprints. *


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