Uber die Nachkommenschaft der Solanum-Pfropfbastarde und die Chromosomenzahlen ihrer Keimzellen

Robinson Street Books: Used and Rare
Title Uber die Nachkommenschaft der Solanum-Pfropfbastarde und die Chromosomenzahlen ihrer Keimzellen
Author Winkler, Hans
Publisher Jena, Gustav Fischer
Publisher Year 1909
Condition Very Good
Description Zeitschrift fur Botanik, No. 1, 1909, pp. 1-38 * "Hans Karl Albert Winkler (23 April 1877 - 22 November 1945) was a German botanist. He was Professor of Botany at the University of Hamburg, and a director of that university's Institute of Botany. He is remembered for coining the term 'genome' in 1920, by making a portmanteau of the words gene and chromosome." Wikipedia. Small nick to heal of spine else very good. First edition. Botany. Science. Antiquarian science.


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