Contributions to the development of the Trematoda Digenea 2 volumes: I. The biology of Leucechloridium paradoxum. II. The biology of the fresh water Cercariae in Danish fresh waters

Robinson Street Books: Used and Rare Books
Title Contributions to the development of the Trematoda Digenea 2 volumes: I. The biology of Leucechloridium paradoxum. II. The biology of the fresh water Cercariae in Danish fresh waters
Author Wesenberg-Lund, Carl
Publisher Levin and Munksgaard, Kobenhavn, 1931-1934
Condition Very Good
Description Wesenberg-Lund 1867-1955 Danish zoologist and freshwater ecologist. Volume I with 6 plates and 7 textfigures. Volume II with 35 plates and 4 plates of microphotos. Both volumes tearing to spine, and nicks to edges, else near very good. Both inscribed presentation copies signed by the author. Science. *


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