Nova Ameba Intestinal, Entamoeba Testudinis N. Sp. / Ueber Eine Neue Darmamoebe, Entamoebe Testudinis N. Sp.

Robinson Street Books: Used and Rare
Title Nova Ameba Intestinal, Entamoeba Testudinis N. Sp. / Ueber Eine Neue Darmamoebe, Entamoebe Testudinis N. Sp.
Author Hartmann, Max
Publisher Manguinhos; Rio de Janeiro;
Publisher Year 1910
Condition Very Good
Description First edition. Offprint. Original wrappers. Reprinted from "Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz" Vol. II - Fac. I - Abril 1910. Ownership stamp title page, edges little nicked else very good. In German and Portuguese. *


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